You know creativity is not just about art.
Art and artistic activity release your creative energy
so that it spills into everything you do in life.
Art and artistic activity release your creative energy
so that it spills into everything you do in life.
You know that feeling? Life is too tight and you want to be so many things? An artist, an author, a dancer, a mother, a surfer, an accomplished pianist, a lover, a gypsy, a wanderer, a rebel, and still have a job because you need to make money for all that stuff?
You even wear different skins, you don't change skins - because they're all your skins, it's just you have many of them? You want to experiment and see what fits and if it doesn't fit, you leave it on the floor or you cut it to create something better that fits, and then you leave that on the floor and go try something else?
You don't have an identity crisis, but everyone around you is pushing and shoving you into their own images of what your identity should be. You're wearing olive oil on your skin and always slip away?
You just want to make art, but everyone is telling you you are not creative. You can't draw. What on earth are you talking about? Creative my foot .. and you start to believe it, and you drown in sameness and you know you are slowly dying?
And here is where it all takes place!
Not all of it, but most of it. What is it? Art of course! The journaling, the drawing, painting, the music, the contemplating and cogitating, the lazying about and staring at ceiling and walls .. but you can see why I stare at the walls. This is my place where the walls are nothing more than pages in my visual journal! There's a 'bed' turned into a luxury lounger with loads of cushions (mostly handmade by me - some when I was 11). Paintings, collages, pictures, cuttings, bit of yarn, white board .. anything goes.. and the writing's on the wall, too! Come join me! |